Crack Cocaine-Dealing Tenants Evicted

Crack cocaine-dealing tenants evicted

Filed under: How Is Cocaine Addictive

Crack cocaine is highly addictive and is classified as a Class A drug. Ope said: "At a certain stage I thought that the judge would give us a suspended sentence, so when we got full possession I was very pleased because I knew our tenants could now …
Read more on 24dash (press release)


Review of 2012: Pop

Filed under: How Is Cocaine Addictive

Azealia Banks's “212”, a sexually voracious and foul-mouthed piece of electro-rap, was the most addictive track of the year, although Tame Impala's thunderous “Elephant”, Sharon Van Etten's bewitching “Serpents”, Plan B's aforementioned “Ill Manors …
Read more on The Independent


Yuppies turn to legal highs

Filed under: How Is Cocaine Addictive

While the number of heroin and cocaine users has been steadily decreasing, clinics are witnessing a rise in problems associated with a wide array of new chemical substances flooding the market. Some, such as ketamine, mephedrone and GBL, have been …